Select your favorite Solana explorer in Saifu 1.4
Posted on Thu Jun 16, 2022
For Saifu 1.4 we focused on smaller quality of life improvements, but included a cool new feature: Setting your default explorer!
For this, we partnered with the Solana.FM to bring you their Solana explorer as the new default, with the option to change to or if you wish to do so.
What is Solana.FM
SolanaFM is the first indexer for the Solana blockchain that allows you to gather and process data with maximum efficiency. It provides easy access to data within the Solana network which contains full Solana historical data to easily create fast and scalable applications or to simply facilitate indexing and querying services.
Solana.FM makes complex data easier to chew, and we’re hoping the inclusion as default explorer will benefit our users
What else is new in 1.4
Saifu 1.4 brings other smaller improvements to the handling of accounts and further refines the UI. You can finally rename and delete accounts to make dealing with multiple accounts easier.
We also included a new account switcher that matches with the overall UI better
The saifu roadmap and issue board are available publicly. Check out what’s in store for 1.5 and let us know what you’d like to see in future released (hint: it involves investments and NFTs):